Supplier Prequalification and Verification

Supplier and Contractor Prequalification and Verification System

Vendor / Supplier performance review of safety and risk history. Should they remain a preferred contracting company? Comprehensive supplier management system, vendor compliance program, contractor prequalification, annual safety and service review.

Prequalification of suppliers and contractors

Supplier Performance management

Insurance management

Sole trader management

Contractor and subcontractor management and relationships


Contractor prequalification and supplier review process

Centralise your supplier management with a comprehensive supplier management and prequalification review platform. Various options to establish a comprehensive contractor and supplier prequalification process around their safety and risk history. Categorise contractors and suppliers by risk level based on their submission, custom approval options and verify their business registration status (ensure on active registered suppliers are engaged) through to managing supplier profiles, history, notes, uploads, record keeping and managing licenses, renewals and compliance.

  • Comprehensive contractor and supplier prequalification around their safety and risk history
  • Centralised database of suppliers
  • Supplier profile with all information, business information, notes, history and record keeping
  • Verify their business registration status
  • Uploads management for supplier materials such as licenses
  • Automatic renewals
  • Full compliance management

  • Supplier Performance Management

    Once prequalified, set up annual safety reviews and ongoing performance management procedures to review and make data based decisions around why suppliers and contractors are engaged and listed as a preferred and approved contractor or supplier.

  • Should they remain a preferred supplier
  • Annual safety reviews
  • Risk classification
  • Feedback on site
  • Performance ratings
  • History and notes
  • Preferred contractor status
  • Insurance Management

  • Automatic reminders to ensure insurance remain up to date
  • Making sure the right kind of insurance has been provided in the first place
  • Sole Trader Management

    Setup a prequalification process specific to sole traders. Manage sole traders differently to other suppliers and contractors who have more comprehensive requirements.
  • Database of all sole traders
  • Categorised by trade and risk level
  • Setup specific prequalification requirements unique to sole traders
  • Contractor and subcontractor management and relationships

    Who are all your subcontractors? Which primary contractor do they subcontract to? Are all subcontractors compliant? Have they gone through the right prequalification workflows?
  • Database of all subcontractors
  • Map relationships between subcontractors and primary contractors
  • Identify compliance breaks in the subcontracting chain
  • Verification

    Advanced verification checks around every stage of the prequalification process.

  • Automatic verifications against supplier provided documents
  • Advanced prequalification verification checks
  • Active business registration verification
  • Ongoing compliance verification
  • Subcontractor verification checks
  • Automatically identify concern areas
  • Get started here with a contractor prequalification and supplier review process

    Centralised management of contractors and supplier prequalification and performance review of safety and risk history

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